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How to Know Your Fuel Pump is bad

Problem: When I Tries to start my Car I hear that engines crank properly but it won't start.

Diagnosis Process

1) Listening Fuel Filter sound:

First of all, try to listen to the Fuel filter sound from the fuel tank. Crank your Engine for 2-3 seconds and listen to the sound. If you don't hear any sound then go to the next process.

2) Check Fuse:

Go to the fuse box and check the fuses. Specially check the Fuel Pump fuse. Is it burned? then most probably this thing is causing the problem not to start your engine. If it's good then go to the next procedure

3) Check Rellay:

Sometimes your fuel pump relay gone bad and makes the problem. A very simple way to check it. Crank the engine and listen from closely. It will be clicking sound. If you hear it then the relay is in good condition if not then change the relay. Now if it's in a good condition then check the next procedure.

4) Check the fuel pressure:

You will find a hose in the fuel rail. This hose is provided for checking the fuel pressure. Just connect the fuel gauge into that hose and crank the engine. Fuel pump pressure should be around 30-80 PSI.

But if become failed to get any pressure or simply no to get any reading from the gauge then it's clear that your fuel pump might be not in a good condition.

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